Flask - Jinja Templates

Flask can utilize the JINJA template system ( not that it is required to work with Flask ). But once you get a hang of how templates can be used, you will be hooked on their simplicity.

When we look at flasks routes, you will utilize the JINJA template system to fill the blanks based on data that you pass to it. JINJA templates can be seen as "fill in the blank" where specified. They also contain Python logical operators. So a Table of MAC addresses pulled from the Cisco APIC controller can be built easily with the template system. The big advantages of templates is that they sepaerate the "Data" from the "LOGIC" of the application. In the programing world that means that a designer might build a template for an application while the developer is doing SQL structures, building the data and then all that he would require is to pass that data structure to the template engine to be rendered.